One of the things that will make or break your OOPP certification is the way you do your assignments. Most programmers choose to do their assignments manually, passing the code with a grade based on how much they understand and can experiment. This can be very time consuming, especially for beginners, and in some cases it’s just not possible. So what can you do to make your programming assignments quicker? Here are some tips:
First, you have to do your program assignments in a systematic manner. This is very easy to do if you know how to code. For those that don’t know how to code, don’t worry, just get yourself an object oriented software or an IDE (integrated development environment). You don’t need to purchase one of these expensive pieces of equipment. All you need is your computer, an internet connection, and your OOPP certification.
Second, you will need to set up your class so that all of your assignments are uniform. For example, if you are having your students work on a project, you will need to create an assignment for each individual class. You can do this using Microsoft Project. Then you should tell your students where the assignment is located and what date it falls on. You also want to give them instructions on how they can solve problems using the class’s tools and how they can prepare for their assignments.
Third, your students must learn and practice what they have learned. It is always best to practice your assignments at home or at your class’s facilities. The best way to do this is to have a real person to show up in class and take notes on your assignments. It is also important to have your students complete a test before they go home. These tests can be given several times throughout the semester, but you can do one or two every night or in the weekend.
Fourth, you should require students to understand the source code of their assignments before they submit them for credit. Each assignment must have the same structure. The code should be consistent and simple. Additionally, the code should compile without any error. In other Read More Here words, a program that does not compile or does not run should have a message displayed for the students to see before they attempt the program.
Fifth, you should spend a lot of time with your novice students. This is important for several reasons. First of all, these students will need a chance to understand the concepts behind OOPP and to get a feel for working as a computer programmer. You should also spend some time explaining the different elements of an OS. You can use computer books and online tutorials to help you with this part of the class.
Sixth, in the final exam you should allow your novice programmers to complete the test on their own. Most universities require students to use a programming test in the final exam. You should encourage your novice programmers to complete this type of test instead of relying on the assumption that they have already learned everything they need to know.
Seventh, at the end of each class session you should have a one-hour discussion or seminar to introduce your topic. During this meeting you can discuss any questions that have come up throughout the semester and discuss how to continue learning about the subject. It is also a good idea to show the students some sample code from various topics that you have discussed in class. Object oriented programming is a challenging subject for a programmer to learn but with the right instruction and tools you can make it much easier. If you take the above steps you will find success in your newly established object-oriented programming class.